
Who are we?

  • Mr Wizard — A philosopher/physicist with a passion for common sense and rational discussion. Catholic at heart.
  • The Hammer — Expert in medieval literature, former CEO of several companies, Catholic -> atheist -> Catholic again, and all-around philosopher. [more…]
  • The Saint — Nerd math/computer engineer, born-again atheist, philosopher wannabe, likes hanging around with people who are smarter than he is. [more…]

What do we do?

We read. We think. We discuss ideas. We write. We agree. We disagree. We seek knowledge, understanding and truth. We try to preserve sanity in a world that is quietly going insane.

Why do we do this?

We are tired of facebook and twitter censorship of conservative views. We reject cancel-culture, identity politics and political correctness.

We can’t stand the hypocrisy of mainstream media. We despise what passes for journalism now. We see that the dystopian worlds of 1984 and Brave New World are upon us, and we must resist.

We are not happy with the state of the world as it has become in recent months. We hope to record what we see, what we understand, and what we think should be done.